Holiday Stories

Pitch us your holidays stories!

Stories that take place around or evoke themes and feelings of Thanksgiving, Diwali, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, the Solstice, New Years Eve/Day, or even the commercial madness of Black Friday: pitch them to us, the sooner the better!

Holiday Anecdotes

Got a short anecdote (3–4 minutes) to share? You can simply record it and send it to us. Everything you need to know about that is right here: Submit Anecdotes.

Here are two great examples:

“Elf on the Motherf’n Shelf” by Vin Brue

Audio Player

“Taking It To the Man” by Steve Spatucci

Audio Player

Holiday Stories

Got a full-length story (10+ minutes) to tell? They might be told live or recorded remotely with us, one-one. Just write up and send us a pitch! All the details for that can be found right here: Pitch Stories

Here’s a couple recent examples:

“For the Love of Nubbins” by Elna BakerAudio Player

“The Present” by Sarah Long HendershotAudio Player