

Episode #945

Date August 20, 2018

Run Time 1:05:38

Lucas Brooks, Ryan Estrada, and Julia Christine share stories about a sexual discovery, 100 free hours of AOL, and a bad romance.

Song: RISK! Theme by Wormburner and John Sondericker

Song: Respect (One Rascal Mix) by Aretha Franklin (Remix by Albert Cabrera)

Live Story: Just Do It by Lucas Brooks

Interstitial: Feels Like the First Carlin by Jeff Barr

Live Story: Chad by Ryan Estrada

Song: Faith and Hope by Zeke Duhon

Live Story: Learning How to Live by Julia Christine

Song: Done by Frazey Ford



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Peter Neofotis
6 years ago

I heard Julia Christine’s story live, and it was so great to hear it again. Anyone who has ever had a relationship with an addict would benefit from listening to this story. Thank you Julie for sharing this.

Joseph Van Dorn
6 years ago

Great episode! Ryan, I also live in Korea and was thrilled to see an expat in Korea on a Risk Show. I tried looking for “True Stories Busan” on Google and Facebook but could not find anything! Can anyone point me in the right direction? I would love to get involved!

Ryan Estrada
6 years ago

Hey Joseph! The Next TrueBu will be in October! I will be posting the call for stories soon, the theme for this one is NDA, which means you can tell whatever extremely personal, intimate or incriminating story you want and every attendee will have to sign a non-disclosure agreement that says it won’t leave the room. The details will be online soon, but you can message me at ryan at ryanestrada dot com if you want to get an e-mail when the call for stories goes live!

6 years ago

I’m so glad to hear Julia’s and Ryan’s stories. At the Detroit show the last performer was amazing and incredibly heartbreaking. I hope his is posted soon!

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