Song: RISK! Theme by Wormburner and John Sondericker
Song: Drum Dialogue by James Asher
Livestream Story: Who Do You Think You Are by Kent L. Whipple
Song: The Lusty Month of May (excerpt) from the Camelot Soundtrack
Radio Story: DivaCup Disaster by Rayanna Christian-Dickens
Song: WAP (feat. Megan Thee Stallion) by Cardi B
Live Story: I’m Still in This by Lizzy Cooperman
Song: Language Is a Virus by Laurie Anderson
Kent is amazing! Funny and genuine and vulnerable. Humor and pathos.
Long Live the Lusty Month of May!! Great work Kent!
Superb storytelling, Ray Christian-Dickens! I am a CIS woman and can still relate to a lot in your story. Love your voice and pacing, too!