The Ties That Bind


Episode #1519

Date February 20, 2024

Run Time 1:09:14

Artem Porchev shares a harrowing story about having an abusive parent.

Song: Duck You Sucker by Claude Denjean

Radio Story: Bound by Artem Porchev

Radio Story: Unbound by Artem Porchev

Song: I’m Set Free by The Velvet Underground



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1 year ago

I was so blown away by this story. As a fellow survivor, I am so thankful that Artem & Risk have the courage to shine a light on this difficult topic. I think about what I was doing on 11/12/21 and this heroic act that was taking place across the world and it’s comforting to know that these survivors were escaping the cycle.

1 year ago

A follow-up conversation with an expert is definitely called for. The story brought up some questions and confusing thoughts for me, likely for fellow listeners too.

11 months ago

I had a cruel and dysfunctional childhood at the hands of my father and stepmother, but not with the horrendous physical abuse described in your story. Their stock and trade were cruelty and humiliation. When your own parents are your worst enemies, what does it say about you? That question really messes with your self-esteem and sense of self. I, too, helped my four siblings escape and achieve education and careers (I’m the oldest, too). Your summary at the end really describes the turmoil of abuse survivors. Your story brought back a lot of difficult feelings and memories, but thank you. Your sand-to-glass analogy is a good one. Adult children always get the last word, and it is a critical part of our healing.

7 months ago

I keep Risk playing all night as I’m a bad sleeper and this episode came on around 2am last night. My heart pounded in my chest throughout, I cannot believe someone lived this. What an incredible, selfless, harrowing thing to have done for his brother and sister, when he could have been shattered from that physical and psychological abuse. I will be thinking about this episode for a long time… a reminder that you never know what someone’s going through behind closed doors and of the true resiliency of the human soul.

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