Song: RISK! Theme by Wormburner and John Sondericker
Song: Dances with Wood by Mickey Hart
Live Story: Season of the Witch by Ryan Heller
Interstitial: Voodoo Hoodoo by Jeff Barr
Live Story: Stalker by Oscar Sagastume
Interstitial: Take a Risk by Jozem
Live Story: Origin Story by Tracey Starin
Song: The Fade Out Line by Phoebe Killdeer & The Short Straws
Live Story: Missing by Sumer Gilmore
Radio Story: You’ve Worried Enough for Today by Stefan Alexander
Live Story: Marilyn by Zerman Zane (aka Ernest Anfin)
Song: Absolute Loser by Fruit Bats
Wanna hear more of our favorites? Find all of our Best of RISK! episodes here.