Song: RISK! Theme by Wormburner and John Sondericker
Song: Between the Beats by Wolfgang Muthspiel and Brian Blade
Live Story: Exposure by Ryan Webster
Radio Story: The Lady by Ray Christian
Live Story: Yes, I’m a Grain of Rice by Justin J Wee
Song: Back In My Body by Maggie Rogers
Live Story: Reunion by Britt Adams
Song: (I Keep On) Rising Up by Mike Doughty
Live Story: The Only Life You Can Save is Your Own by Marcella Allison
Song: Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen
Wanna hear more of our favorites? Find all of our Best of RISK! episodes here.
Did Britt Adams press charges against his Dad and brother?
Thank you for including Britt Adams – I was so horrified by this story the first time I heard it, and have been trying to find it since. I really hope he is happy and doing well now.
My understanding is that Britt chose to pay for the hospital stay himself and to not get the police involved. The thing he struggled with most in wedging all this into a 15-minute live slot was to communicate that there were lots of little, subtler incidents somewhat similar to some of the incidents described in this story earlier in his life, but that after coming home from college following all the drama of the 2016 election, he was in a different place and the tension finally broke in this way. – Kevin
Every time I hear Britt’s story, I get misty and tear up at my desk. I hope he met some people after the show and hope he’s flourishing wherever it is he’s living now.
I am truly curious to know WHY this family adopted a child from Korea. Noblesse Oblige? It is clear that Britt loved his family, at least up until he became disillusioned (maybe still does). Did/do any of his family love or care about HIM?
Kevin & Co, please try to persuade Britt’s father or brother or any family member to tell this same story from their own perspective.
Our storytellers come to us. We don’t have the budget or human resources to go out hunting for people to share things with us like a journalism show on NPR would. Britt is going by a pseudonym. He wanted to share his experience, but did not feel it was safe or sympathetic to reveal anything that might give away who his family members are. If there’s one thing that dozens of RISK! stories about families have revealed, it’s that family members who love one another are capable of treating each other in all sorts of ways. – Kevin
That’s the tantalizing thing about true stories told and aired. I always want to know if the featured characters heard the story, and if so how it affected them. I always want to know how the telling of the story, changed the story going forward, for the storyteller… I like to think that the storytelling process can kick off a healing process for deep wounds.
Here I sit on May 9, 2022 after listening to the Reunion story — wondering the same things — how is ‘Britt’ doing? Has karma caught up to his family? Thank you for sharing his story – if it hasn’t already, I believe life has a way of working things out : let us all find a bit of peace in that thought.