Song: RISK! Theme by Wormburner and John Sondericker
Radio Story: Side Effects by Katie Peabody
Episode #CRS008
Date October 18, 2018
Run Time 13:06
A Classic RISK! Singles episode! Katie Peabody shares a story about a strange drug trial that first appeared on RISK! in May of 2012.
Song: RISK! Theme by Wormburner and John Sondericker
Radio Story: Side Effects by Katie Peabody
Oh, I remember this story SO well! I listened to it at least two or three times. I LOVE the intersection of storytelling and medicine.
This story had a huge impact on me. I’m still stunned! It calls so much into question. “Entenmann’s Chocolate Donut” is now a phrase that brings perspective! Thank you, Katie Peabody.
Your story was told very well and I can honestly say I didn’t see the end coming and I have to admit your story put a lot of things in my life into perspective thank you.
WOW. Does the Mind rule the body or the body rule the mind?
I see folks in the comments have never suffered from serious mental illnesses before. Hope this person realized that medication is actually a life changing, life saving substance and that acting ‘happy’ doesn’t correct chronic chemical imbalances.
Great story! I can relate as I almost convinced myself one night that I was surely having a heart attack.