Song: RISK Halloween Theme by Jeff Barr
Song: The Worst House by Jeff Barr
Live Story: The Hodophobe by Stacy Keene
Radio Story: Shotgun by Ron Butchko
Song: Red Right Hand by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
Live Story: Shelby’s Place by Melissa Murphy
Live Story: RIP Hugh by Beowulf Jones and Sara Benincasa
Radio Story: Blood on the Tracks by Candace Carter
Song: I Put a Spell on You by Screaming Jay Hawkins
Live Story: The Haunting by John Flynn
Song: Demon Stuck In Your Eye by Le Butcherettes
Excellent show this week! I was at the Pittsburgh show, up in the front row! Stacy Keene’s story was sobering and terrifying!
Melissa Murphy’s story sounds like a classic case of sleep paralysis. Look it up if you’ve never experienced it. It’s a frightening experience.
Alison- this is Melissa Murphy:) I have also experienced sleep paralysis in my teens and in adulthood, and it is indeed a terrifying experience. It is something I know well, unfortunately.
This however was very different
Idk..I kind of like them. Usually they’re kind of big because I like when a guy sucks on my neck ralely hard (fetish XD) and sometimes it’s like a reminder. And I don’t mind people knowing cuz everyone does it. It’s my mom who I don’t want bugging me about it. =_= Nice comic ♥
Ok. This episode is too much. I’m from Newfoundland so when Stacy Keene mentioned Great Big Sea I thought oh that’s funny (they are from Newfoundland) but then when Melissa Murphy mentioned Guillian Barre syndrome it really hit home because my Mom came down with it 5 years ago. For her, it was different as it started in her hands and moved down but still. It’s funny to me that you put these two particular stories together. You are always so surprising Risk. I love it!