Song: It’s The Great Mudda-Fucka, Charlie Brown! by Jeff Barr and Morningbell
Song:Lullaby from Rosemary’s Baby by Krzysztof Komeda and Mia Farrow
Radio Story: Through the Cracks by Jae’be
Interstitial: Army Ants by Tom Waits
Radio Story: The Witmer Tavern by Ryan Heller
Interstitial: Oh My God, There’s Something Out There! By Taj Easton
Song: Zombies, Unite! by The Unbearables
Radio Story: First Blood by Srilatha Rajamani
Interstitial: Satan’s Chauffeur by Jimmy Minor only Weepier
Radio Story: Behind Closed Doors by Kevin Allison
Song: Dead Man’s Bones by Dead Man’s Bones