Song: RISK! Theme by Wormburner and John Sondericker
Song: Manteca (Funky Lowlives Remix) by Dizzy Gillespie
Live Story: Hot Cross Bunny by Donnie Edwards
Interstitial: The Bunny Song (Unexpurgated Mix) by Veggie Tales and Jeff Barr
Live Story: Matters of Conscience by Nessa Voss
Song: Sister Ray Charles by JC Brooks and the Uptown Sound
Live Story: Juicy by Jolenta Greenberg
Song: Go by Valley Lodge
Can there please please be a Risk episode that’s entirely Quint, listing sex toys and intimate supplies and what he’d do with them?
Okay, I’m mostly joking…but not entirely.
Donna! Loved your story, still laughing at. Sounds like you’ve got a hell of lost more stories to tell, please come and tell another.
This might seem kind of odd as I know it wasn’t the focus of the story, but when Nessa talked about that feeling of post-university isolation, it struck a major chord with me as someone who graduated from music school a few years ago (please enjoy my awful pun by the way, we musicians seem to be hopelessly addicted to them).
I’m not the most outgoing person, so to hear someone actually talk about that feeling of aimlessness gave me some level of reassurance that I’m not some colossal failure because I haven’t moved on to “bigger and better things.” All things considered, I think I even identified with Nessa more because of how well I know that overwhelming desire to want to find those intellectually and artistically fulfilling relationships that seem to just evaporate after graduation.
It’s all well and good to look down on someone for being the “other woman,” but when you’ve devoted years of your life to studying something in particular and being surrounded by like-minded people, and then you’re abruptly removed from that environment, that transition is rough. If you can find even a shred of that connection again in someone, no matter how ill-advised, it’s gonna look awfully tempting.