Song: RISK! Theme by Wormburner and John Sondericker
Song: Shorting the Aa by Nicholas Britell
Live Story: Puttin’ on the Fits by James Urbaniak
Song: Jumpin’ Jive by Cab Calloway
Live Story: Brother Bone by Sovereign Syre
Song: Cautionary Tale by Dylan LeBlanc
Live Story: Meet Your Maker by Byron Bowers
Song: Guttersnipe by Bhi Bhiman
Augh, Byron Bowers just kills me. The way he combines being on the far, far end of irreverent with raw, heart-wrenching life situations is bold and unforgettable and so entertaining.
Agreed. Byron Bowers… how is he not EVERYWHERE?
My favorite comic. Raw and heartfelt.
Hope he can get out there more, this world needs him.