Song: RISK! Theme by Wormburner and John Sondericker
Song: Banaketwe by Smokey Hormel
Live Story: Bears, Booze ‘n Bawlz by Justin Hall
Interstitial: Shove It Up Your Ass by Gel Sol
Radio Story: Life is a Gift by Marc Gabriel Amigone
Song: War is Peace by Immigrant Union
Radio Story: War and Peace by Meagan Voss
Song: Silver Timothy by Damien Jurado
I dig Justin’s work! It’s got a sort of Crumb with a touch of Tom of Finland thing going.
As both a parent, and a son who had to regroup many years ago under his Mother’s roof (30 years old with an implied curfew, no less), Marc’s story really hit home. I could imagine how his parents felt and I sure as hell know how he felt.
I hope no one on Route 2 saw me crying at the End of Meagan’s piece. I wanted to hate those kids too. It’s hard to see that humanity through all that bratty privilege, that one can’t help but fear will soon be wielded by an adult (who can vote, hire/fire, marry, have children, etc.). But yeah, she’s right… it’s there.