Song: RISK! Theme by Wormburner and John Sondericker
Song: Proto by Ryan Hemsworth
Live Story: The Squatter by Billy Raim
Live Story: Sister’s Keeper by Tiffany Chilcott
Live Story: The Last Time by Pete Roberts
Song: The Stairs by Family of the Year
Hey Kevin,
As I’m sure you’re getting swamped by a ridiculous amount of these -per day- I’ll keep it as (relatively) short and sweet as I can.
I’ve been listening to Risk! for under a week, and I just have to say I’ve been floored by all the wonderful stories people have to share. It really does highlight all the ridiculous, horrifying, sexy, and tear-jerking experiences things that can happen in the blink of an eye or over a long period of time.
Keep up the damn good work, each of you guys and gals, and I will be sure to continue listening.
Also, (correct me if I’m wrong) I haven’t heard many stories from around the Minneapolis area. Come and visit sometime?
All my love,
~ Andy
Andy is right. There are some great storytellers(hell,I’m no slouch!) from the Minneapolis area. Would love to see you include wild tales from outside the west coast. But, your show is amazing and I tip my hat to you!
Color me confused, but is it possible butcher a lady gaga song? I mean they’re pretty bad already. I can’t imagine it being worse.Anyhow, I LOVE karaoke! Its one of my favorite things, I suck at it and I’ve actually seen people cringe when I sing, but dammit, I put my heart and soul into itll;eS!y´hs last [type] ..