Live From LA 2!


Episode #812

Date January 02, 2017

Run Time 1:22:31

Jackie Hoffman, Dan St. Germain, Moses Storm, James Gangl, and Caroline Weiss share stories at our monthly LA show at the Bootleg Theater on a night hosted by Beowulf Jones and Amanda Seales.

Song: RISK! Theme by Wormburner and John Sondericker

Song: Rock Me by Donny McCaslin

LA Live Show Hosting by Beowulf Jones and Amanda Seales

Live Story: The Great Ice-Cream Blowout by Moses Storm

Live Story: What to Expect When You’re Not Expecting by Jackie Hoffman

Live Story: Final Companion by Caroline Weiss

Live Story: Memento by Dan St. Germain

Live Story: A Prayer for Chlamydia by James Gangl

Song: Lay Low by Crystal Fighters



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8 years ago

This has got to be the best Risk! show I have had the pleasure to listen to. Jackie Hoffman’s story had me laughing out loud, while Caroline Weiss’ incredible tale sent shivers down my spine. Truly spectacular.

8 years ago

Normally I love the show and am a long-time listener and promoter. Yet I had to stop listening to the final story. In the same way we as a culture have developed cultural sensitivity in our choice of words referring to folks of various sexual preferences or ethnic heritages we also need to develop the same sensitivity in differentiating women from girls in sexual contexts. Referring to girls in sexualized situations is pedophilia. The storyteller speaks of “weed shops with GIRLS in lingerie” and the “GIRL named Rebecca…” who might fulfill the 28-year old’s quest for sex. If it involves sex, it’s pedophilia with a girl. If she is an adult, referring to a women as a girl belittles her and perpetuates the subjugation of women in our culture.

8 years ago

One of the best Risk! shows I’ve listened to! The last story by James Gangl was fantastic, and the Caroline Weiss story was amazing. Always good to hear a story like that with a happy ending!

8 years ago

@Sondra, I won’t resort to name calling… wait… yeah, you’re retarded. If you get offended over something that stupid, then RISK! is not for you.

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