Live at the Bell House 2!


Episode #729

Date May 02, 2016

Run Time 1:34:45

Carla Rhodes, Justin Sayre, Micaela Blei and Jacob Phillips share true stories at the Bell House in Brooklyn.

Song: RISK! Theme by Wormburner and John Sondericker

Song: Stoic by Belwoorf

Live Story: Grand Illusion by Micaela Blei

Live Story: Like You’ll Kill Yourself on Friday by Jacob Phillips

Live Story: The Kind of Homosexual I Am by Justin Sayre

Live Story: The Voice Within by Carla Rhodes

Song: Pedestrian at Best by Courtney Barnett



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8 years ago

“Live your life like you’re gonna kill yourself on Friday, but don’t.”

Beautiful! I love it!

8 years ago

WOW, Carla’s story was powerful. Her delivery was powerful, and her message was powerful. Thank you for sharing.

8 years ago

Carla is so brave to share her story. Wonderful storytelling this week!

(Also omg Courtney Barnett. Love. Aussie music represent).

8 years ago

Carla’s story was raw truth, vunerable, brave and inspiring. It means a lot to mean to hear stories from other survivors. Thank you.

Mr. Perspective
8 years ago

16 is the age of consent in England.

Mx. Parallax View
8 years ago

@Mr. Perspective. I think she said it started happening when she was 15. And that’s not really the point anyway.

8 years ago

Carla talks at length about attempting to communicate to him that she was not ready for where the relationship went, about feeling that she was in over her head and about how, when she looks at kids that age today, she can often see a vulnerable naivety there that reminds her of herself at that age. She quotes the man in the story in ways that show he did not handle things with respect or compassion. Whether how he treated her was technically “legal” depending on what locale they were in on this or that day is not the main thrust of the story.

Miss Perspective
8 years ago

Mr. Perspective: Age of Consent varies state to state in the USA. Plus, law states it’s ALWAYS statutory rape in situations when the older person is in a supervisory position (in her case a mentor) in order to have sexual intercourse with the younger person. Are you proud of yourself trying to shoot down a survivor of sexual abuse? I hope something so horrible and damaging never happens to you (or you never do something so horrible to a minor, since you’re gabbing about age of consent and trying to negate a survivor’s story).
–Miss Perspective

Mr. Perspective
8 years ago

Not a lot of fans of the movie Harold and Maude around here I bet.

8 years ago

It’s one of my all-time favorites, but not very relevant. It’s about a 20-year old man and an 80-year old woman who love one another and are very kind to one another. Laws are broken in RISK! stories all the time, Mr. Perspective. And the range of feelings about those laws being broken are as varied as the people who share about them. RISK! has even featured stories about sexual goings on between adults and kids, but where there was exponentially more respect and compassion coming from the adult end than in Carla’s account. These were stories where age of consent laws were definitely being broken, but… the feelings of the storytellers about the experiences were not so clearly negative as Carla’s here. The point is to listen to the human being. You can’t hear that Carla’s experience was not a positive one for her?

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