Life Worth Living


Episode #CRS012

Date November 15, 2018

Run Time 28:34

A Classic RISK! Singles episode! A harrowing story that Nancy Sullivan first shared on RISK! in October of 2011 about child molestation and a family in denial.

Song: RISK! Theme by Wormburner & John Sondericker

Radio Story: Life Worth Living by Nancy Sullivan



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Ron Wright
6 years ago

Thank you Nancy for telling us about your history of sexual abuse and when you asked for help and were finally able to get it. It’s helpful so much to hear that I, as a survivor of sexual abuse, am not to blame. I lived through decades of self condemnation and blame and it was very very sad for me. I I am contemplating telling my own story, but I’m unsure about telling it live. Maybe speaking it into a recorder, like Nancy did, would be easier and less threatening? But thank you for encouraging us by showing that there is no shame in being who we are and that we need not live in dread and fear, but seeking help is a much better option and that we can live our own life, one of our own choosing and one that is indeed worth living.

6 years ago

I’m not a medical professional, but the therapist that summarily decided Ms. Sullivan needed to stop taking all of her medications, cold turkey and unsupervised…that to me sounds, at the very least, like grounds for loss of licensing, not to mention a costly civil suit if things had turned out differently.

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