Song: RISK! Theme by Wormburner and John Sondericker
Song: Solidarity by Podington Bear
Live Story: Holiday in the Sun by Dave Hill
Radio Story: Me and My Shadow by CJ Hostetter
Song: Little Bit of Love by Katie Herzig
Live Story: 1210 Zuber St. by Tyler Phillips
Song: Hot Tonight by Tokyo Police Club
Hey CJ,
Thanks so much for your story. I’m going through something similar, and I am so grateful to hear how you felt and that you made it through.
I’m sorry but that story by Tyler was so incredibly morbid and made is REALLY obvious that this kid needs some serious counseling. Yah I get what he was saying, but dear god please get some help kid.
“Only the people that are arrogant enough to believe in the afterlife are punished for it.”
That line was ridiculous. Made me stop dead at my desk.