The Best of RISK! Music #10


Episode #721

Date March 07, 2016

Run Time 1:23:00

Our tenth collection of our favorite music from the most recent RISK! episodes.

Risk-1 by Morningbell
Go by Valley Lodge
Rundown (The Fire) by With Lions
Don’t Wanna Fight by Alabama Shakes
The Ghost in You by The Psychedelic Furs
I Know It’s True by Ben Talmi
Naked as We Came by Iron and Wine
Another Story by The Head and the Heart
The Sunshine of Your Youth by Cheerleader
Seventeen by Sjowgren
In My Direction by Astronauts
S.O.B. by Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats
Rewind by Paolo Nutini
Trip Switch by Nothing But Thieves
We Will Become Silhouettes by The Postal Service
Every Night by Josef Salvat
This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody) by Iron and Wine and Ben Bridwell
Into My Soul by Gabin feat. Dee Dee Bridgewater
Movin’ On Up by Primal Scream
Dead Man’s Hand by Lord Huron
Stand by Me by Tracy Chapman

Need more music?

Check out The Best of RISK! Music #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #11, #12, #14, #15, #16, and #17!

Also, all songs featured in the Best of RISK! Music episodes can also be found on Spotify by clicking HERE





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9 years ago

As a music enthusiast, I do appreciate these posts…I just wish they were accompanied by a storytelling episode as well. These music “off weeks” are kind of a disappointment. You and your podcast are wonderful, I don’t mean to be a whiner – just some constructive feedback! 🙂

9 years ago

This is our way of partially taking a week off. Putting out weekly produced content (not just off-the-cuff conversation) with no breaks for 7 years straight would be mostly unheard of in the radio or television industry, where people are working with big budgets and full-time staffs. We’d like to add maybe two more episodes per month soon, but the risk there is settling for stories that are not as strong as what we normally feature.

9 years ago

Weirdly!? woke up wishing for Risk!-flavored music and voilà, instant gratification!! Thanks a bunch.

9 years ago

I’ve always been amazed at how good the music selections on Risk are, and how well they combine with the stories, sometimes adding a subtle commentary or footnote, sometimes adding humor (“Tainted Love” from a few years back was a standout, there), sometimes just making a beautiful story even more beautiful. And I appreciate the “Best of Music” weeks because they remind me to go look for these songs and download them. 🙂

9 years ago

OMG – a great source for great music! thank you

8 years ago

As one who listens ro podcasts because i prefer spoken-word over music to fill my dead time, these are always a huge disappointment :/

8 years ago

See comment #2.

8 years ago

I always save these episodes for some non-radio great playlists that I don’t have to make myself. Keep these and everything else you do coming (cumming).

8 years ago

Awesome music! I love discovering new music, and this episode was a reminder of how good the music from Risk! is. Thank you! <3

8 years ago

In an effort to balance out the nay-sayers… I absolutely love the “Best of Risk! Music” episodes. For me, the music on Risk! is not only wonderful in and of itself, but is nearly always incredibly well-chosen to fit a particular story or the overall theme of the episode. I cherish the music episodes as a way to recall the beauty or horror or hilarity of those stories; to be reminded to go back and give certain of them another listen; to discover musicians I’d never heard before. So, in short, keep ’em comin’, Kevin — you and the entire team at Risk! are doing a hell of a job.

And for you complainers, two things: variety is the spice of life, and you can, you know, skip the music episodes if they’re not to your liking. Jeepers…

8 years ago

Good god! The Night Sweats. Thanks Kevin. Finding a new amazing song is like finding the door after the tornado. Life has more color now.

Keep up the amazing work!

8 years ago

Thank you for such a great work in putting up music that I am discovering for the first time and enjoying all the way. I have come across the Risk podcast through the podcast hosted by Chris Ryan which also features a very interesting selection of music.


8 years ago

I’m new to Risk podcast and I’m a huge fan now. I love the songs in the podcast it’s great that there is the occasional podcast sharing all the music. Thanks, Kevin!

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