

Episode #1014

Date January 14, 2019

Run Time 59:27

David Crabb, Christina Doll and Mike Schatz share stories about Goldbergian bidets, life after Lyme, and memories of Mitch Hedberg.

Song: RISK! Theme by Wormburner and John Sondericker

Song: Yokacoka by The New Mastersounds

Live Story: Straight Flush by David Crabb

Interstitial: Wonder Wash by Jeff Barr

Live Story: Act Two by Christina Doll

Song: Betty Lou’s Gettin’ Out Tonight by Bob Seger

Live Story: The Opener by Mike Schatz

Song: 6 Underground by Sneaker Pimps



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6 years ago

Thanks for the Mitch story! Great impersonation. I could hear the care taken in listening to him: cadence, accent, everything! I loved hearing a story about stand-up comedy.

Nik Cameron
6 years ago

It’s been nearly 15 years since we lost Mitch…and he still pops up here and there.

I saw his last show in St. Louis, about three weeks before he died. I’ve never heard the Hockey Love spots.

Thank you so much for sharing that this week.

Jeanne Goldberg
6 years ago

Your story was wonderful, thank you for sharing it! I have a friend with Lyme and I’m just so grateful that more people now are finding out what it is instead of suffering for years without knowing what it is (as well as everyone else doubting it’s anything at all.) I loved the (happy) ending (sorry, bad pun 😉 but it is happy. Good luck, you sound like you’re on your way!

6 years ago

Thank you Christina for thinking outside the box and taking the road to recovery by the horns.
I applaud you for taking the job that was offered and making it YOUR ladder.
In college many of my girlfriends danced to make ends meet and fund their dreams. I was afraid of what others would think of me so I passed and at 50yrs old, the only one of the bunch, still paying off student loans.
Your story is more powerful than you know, by taking control of your own narrative of what it means to be an adult entertainer and what your life and future can hold by taking control of that story and what it means.

6 years ago

Does Christina Doll, the Lyme disease survivor, have an Instagram or some social site?

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