Known as “The Punk Rock Dolly Parton,” Tuesday Thomas spent her young adult life as a gypsy, residing all over the US observing the human condition. Suffering from severe anxiety and PTSD, her odd sense of humor is the only thing that saved her from extinction. Always being the outsider and never really wanting to fit in, she was amazed, perplexed, and maybe a tad delighted when she landed in LA and did.
Her mother calls her a freak magnet (and Mom always knows best!), she has hosted and produces LA’s premier underground dark comedic variety show, Freak Show, for eight years, along with 16 other cities and a Las Vegas Residency, the Improv and Punch Line Comedy Club chains. Her short film, Catastrophe Anthem, was winner of the Silk Road International Film Festival, as well as an official selection of Slam Dance and LAIFF. Her Comedy Special, Tuesday’s Trash, is available on Amazon Prime.
A graduate of The Groundlings, iO, Second city, and the UCB, she is also known as the “TikTok Tranma.” She uses her lengthy life as an out trans woman to help others. She also performs all over, including The Comedy Store, Laugh Factory, and more. Featured on VH1, MTV, E!, and BBC World of Weird, you can catch her at any of these venues or at random public fountains talking to PIGEONS.
Tuesday Thomas
updated: 02/21/2024