Live From Baltimore!


Episode #907

Date November 20, 2017

Run Time 1:22:40

Joe Belknap Wall, Rachel Hinton and Shamyla share stories about a bukkake party, a brutal romance, and a difficult childhood move from Maryland to Pakistan.

Song: RISK! Theme by Wormburner and John Sondericker

Song: My Favorite Things by John Coltrane

Live Story: Been There by Joe Belknap Wall

Live Story: The Battle and the Bath Mat by Rachel Hinton

Live Story: Home Away From Home by Shamyla

Song: Call It Dreaming by Iron & Wine



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7 years ago

Shamyla’s story was incredible. I was in tears and then goosebumps with the hope and resilience of her incredible spirit. I literally reached my arm up to send a blessing to her after listening. If you read this Shamyla, thank you for sharing.

JC (no not that one)
7 years ago

Rachel Hinton mentioned that her partner Monica’s dog was a “terrorist”. That was the word that popped into my head about Monica. She sounds like an emotional terrorist.

The fact that she is a practicing psychotherapist who is so manipulative and emotionally immature is frightening. That she crossed the line from a professional to an intimate relationship with a patient is malpractice.

Peter Neofotis
7 years ago

Rachel’s story is amazing. Really, she is a gifted tale teller. How can we know more about her/hear her tell other stories?

7 years ago

I heard this story today and it brought chills to my body. I’m going through this exact situation with my wife right now. Everything from the friends issue, the phone on dog walks, all of it.

6 years ago

I would like to know more about how Shamyla’s American family negotiated her return from Pakistan – what the communication between the families was like during her time there. It’s amazing to me that the Pakistani family let her leave after isolating her like that. Amazing story. I would read the book! You should write one Shamyla!

3 years ago

Shamyla – I hope you find happiness and love. I’m glad that you now support others with similar stories.

3 years ago

I hope Shamyla chooses to write a book telling her entire story. I’m sure many people would love to read it, and learn much from it. Age 12 is such a struggle for girls in the best of circumstances; I can’t imagine coping with what she did at the same time (or ever, honestly). The strength it must have taken to emerge from that experience sane and with any intact sense of self is astounding.

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